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The measurement of weather not only relies on measurements at particular points but also researchers need to know how these conditions arise.
Various techniques used to assist in these studies rely on the measurement of surface fluxes of heat momentum, carbon dioxide and water vapour. The most common technique to measure these fluxes is the Eddy Covariance method.
To make these measurements you need at least an infra-red gas analyser and an anemometer capable of monitoring wind in the vertical and horizontal axis, with a fast response above 20 Hz.
Extensive networks have been set up world-wide to study important ecosystems which contribute to the carbon cycle. These systems are controlled by bespoke software that calculates the surface fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat and carbon dioxide.
Gill R3 range of 3-axis research anemometers is recommended for Eddy Covariance analysis. The Research range offers fast update rates up to 100Hz, incorporating Gill’s proven 3-axis ultrasonic measurement technology.