Gill’s MaxiMet compact weather stations will provide weather data to the first ever BBC CountryFile Live, one of the UK’s largest country shows.
From 4th-7th August 2016, the MaxiMet GMX 500 will be collecting data across the Countryfile Live site at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire. The weather station will be streaming live information on wind speed, wind direction, dew point, humidity and temperature in order to ensure the weather condition around the 2000 acre site remain within health and safety regulations. The data collected by MaxiMet is available to view in real-time on the Richard Paul Russell Weatherfile website.
Supplied by distributor Richard Paul Russell (R-P-R), MaxiMet has been chosen due to its compact nature, multitude of weather parameter options, Gill’s renowned reliability and the ease of integration into Weatherfile.
For more information on MaxiMet or application examples please contact